No, seriously.. I'm not trying to pick you up over my blog. That just the name of possibly the most legendary face book group ever. I actually could not believe my eyes as I scrolled down the page and read the posts written by the seediest men/boys ever to lurk World Wide Web.
I don't know whets more appealing about David Scott, his hard to get mentality or his witty pun on the word cum. If only I could handle him...
When fuck buddies go bad, this guy ditches the pun tactics and gives out measurements to lure in the ladies.
Maybe if he hadn't included the part about his dick not working he would stand half a chance. Actually scrap that, wouldn't sound like the biggest wanker alive? Okay maybe not...
Pick whats dodgier, the lacking of a display picture or advertising the want for an affair over the internet?
Need I say more?
Whats more humorous is the fact that the three posts that actually have photos are of old, seedy looking grey haired men, I mean seriously, their faces are probably as wrinkly as their scrotum.
keep classy bloggers;)
ANGEL TITS ( . ) ( . )
On another note please be aware the identity of Angel Tits serves purely to take the piss. i.e.; IT’S A JOKE as does all other content on this blog page. If you suspect anything will offend you I suggest you navigate to a page with less controversy. Thankyou :)