Saturday, November 21, 2009


the world of blogging is a complex environment

i had my first encounter with the cyber world at the tiny age of twelve. i had just discovered the wonders of the world wide web and seemed to think it would be a good idea to form my own blog for girls just like me. I distinctly remember the headline too.. 'a cool site for funky chicks'. Whether it was the fact of two adjectives in the space of 6 words or simply the use of the word funky, it isn't hard to tell that this blog was highly unsuccessful. This was also evidential in the fact that the only comment on my whole blog was from my dad*, because he wanted me to think people were actually reading the misspelt load of 'celeb goss' I had been filling useful internet space with.

so in this new attempt of success in the blog world at the fresh age of 15, we will inhabit the names of ghetto bootay and angel tits. we are aware of the controversy we have probably condoned ourselves to by choosing these identities but please note our names capture the pure essence of this blog.. taking the piss. after much examination of the blog world we can announce that as a generalisation bloggers take themselves far too seriously. we find humour in the fact that some teenage bloggers take on another persona in order to hide their original identity because they actually believe people are going to care about their illegal or illicit activities they partake in and then proceed to announce/brag about on blog spots. Do they honestly think their behaviour is that notorious that they cannot announce who they are?
reality check- no one gives a shit.

 We are well aware of the limited numbers expected to actually read these words, but instead of this being a place to gain reputation and respect we consider it to be an outlet for the expression on just some of the numerous ideas, opinions and jokes conjured up in a place known as the pc canteen. we encourage other bloggers to take on this ideology when it comes to posting their opinion. Probably the most contradicting aspect of this blog is the fact that out of anybody we are the least capable people of producing anything worth eating away the time of your boredom or interest. In an end to this cynical first post, i have produced a list of reasons as to why we should not be blogging.
1. our attention span and level of dedication is below zero. Anyone to make a bet on how long this is actually going to last?
2. . we're not alternative, not even a little bit.. therefore we do not have any indie poems, fish eye photographs or exclusive song lyrics to decorate our page with.
3. i don’t know about ghetto bootay, but every english test i have completed this semester has come back with concern of grammatical error and spelling
4. our ideas aren’t radical enough and its difficult to inspire us,

* on that note, RIP the days when your parents actually knew what you were doing on the internet